Virtual Yom HaShoah Commemoration 1:30 April 11

Voices Never Silenced: Instrumental Music in the Ghettos and Concentration CampsVirtual Event via Facebook LiveSunday, April 11 2021, 1:30-3:30pm Pre-register at to receive event information. This year’s Yom HaShoah Holocaust commemoration event will feature Dr. Elayne Robinson Grossman, conductor and music director … Continue reading

Festival of Lights and Song! Join us on Tuesday, December 17th at Greenwood House, 53 Walter St., Ewing, NJ 08628 as Dr. Elayne R. Grossman conducts “Getting in the Latke Mood” from 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. for residents, their families … Continue reading

June 13th Dinner and Sing-Along

Thank you to our friends, families, audience members and advertisers for your support at our 19th Anniversary Concert on May 19th.  It was a lovely afternoon with the inspiring music of “Rossi, Solomon & Kindred Spirits.”   Join choir members and friends at our … Continue reading

Purchase Tickets for our May 19th Concert!

Tickets are $20 online and at the door.

Purchase tickets by clicking on this link: 

There will be one line for credit card reservations and purchases, and one for cash payments.

The parking lot is across the street, and just about 2 miles south of the Scotch Road South/Trenton-Mercer Airport exit off I-295.  The venue is air-conditioned and wheelchair-accessible.  Please cross the street at the crosswalk and use the light signal button and be sure that oncoming traffic has stopped.

We hope to see you there!

Sharim v’Sharot will perform at the Annual Yom HaShoah Commemorative Service on Sunday, April 28th at Adath Israel in Lawrenceville.  The event runs from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., and will include Dr. Elizabeth Scheiber, Co-Director of The Julius and Dorothy Koppelman Holocaust/Genocide Resource … Continue reading

Celebrate the Season with SVS! Join us on Sunday, March 31st @ 2 p.m. for “Pesach Melodies and More” – House Concert in Washington Crossing, PA. (Rescheduled from January.) RSVP to:  William Weinstein at Tickets: $18 per person, paid … Continue reading